Mercury v2.2.1

on 5 June, 2013

5 June, 2013

Well, ToolsWatch broke the news: after nearly 18 months, thousands of downloads, countless hours of R&D and loads of feedback from the community, we are sad to be waving goodbye to Mercury and its awesome (if somewhat maligned) logo.

Today, you get your last scheduled release of Mercury.

But don’t despair, the Android pwnage will continue at BlackHat Arsenal, when we release drozer.

Whilst we’ve numbered this a patch release, it’s got some very cool changes and additions. Time for our top three.

Well, ToolsWatch broke the news: after nearly 18 months, thousands of downloads, countless hours of R&D and loads of feedback from the community, we are sad to be waving goodbye to Mercury and its awesome (if somewhat maligned) logo.

Today, you get your last scheduled release of Mercury.

But don’t despair, the Android pwnage will continue at BlackHat Arsenal, when we release drozer.

Whilst we’ve numbered this a patch release, it’s got some very cool changes and additions. Time for our top three:


Mercury has always been open source, we value the involvement of our user community and are committed to maintaining the Mercury open source project. However, some of you didn’t feel that our software license reflected that.

We are pleased to announce that as of today, Mercury is released under a 3-clause BSD license.

Hopefully this will help those of you who couldn’t use Mercury at work because lawyers were getting in the way.

It’s on the PATH

Some of you complained that using BusyBox was hard after installing it with run tools.setup.busybox, and it was – you had to type the full path to the binary.

So we fixed it:

mercury> run tools.setup.busybox
BusyBox installed.
mercury> run shell.start
u0_a44@android:/ $ busybox
BusyBox v1.8.1 (2007-11-14 10:11:37 EST) multi-call binary
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, and others.
Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for full notice.

This works because we added /path/to/the/mercury/data/directory/bin to your PATH when the shell starts, so you can use it for your own executables too.

Want to change this? No problem. You can set, unset and echo these variables within the Mercury console:

mercury> echo $PATH
mercury> set PATH=/my/custom/folder
mercury> echo $PATH

We forward any variables you have set to your Linux shells:

mercury> ! echo $PATH

Windows Installer

Mercury’s Windows Installer has never been great. So it’s been replaced with an all-new installer that brings a fully-fledged environment with it – no dependencies to install manually.

It also brings a handy script to run Mercury without typing loads of paths:

> C:\Program Files\Mercury\mercury.bat console connect

You could even put that on your path so it’s as simple as mercury.bat.

This is a somewhat experimental feature. Let us know how you get on!

How do I get it?

You can get it now, from the downloads page.

As ever, please send us your problems, questions and comments on the new version via Github. We’ll do our best to incorporate your comments into drozer.

Remember, the more feedback you give us, the quicker we can compile it into cool new features, functionality and modules for drozer.