HackFu Venue 2014 - Clue One

By on 13 May, 2014

on 13 May, 2014

The guest list has been assembled, the set is designed, the challenges are being built and the teams will be selected at the end of this month. Yes, this year’s HackFu is fast approaching and the venue is still secret. So, it’s time to get your thinking caps on as we start to reveal clues to it’s location.

This year they will be given in the form of questions styled on those used in the BBC4 quiz programme Only Connect. You don’t know what Only Connect is or have never watched it! Chastise yourself immediately and jump straight to the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lskhg to find out what you are missing out on. While you are berating yourself for being without this source of quizzing genius for so many years you can read through the rules for solving this year’s HackFu puzzle. Here’s how it works:

Every week a set of 4 clues will be provided, your task is simple, find the connection between them. Each of the answers to the weekly puzzles will then form the clues for another puzzle where the connection is the venue for this year’s HackFu. It sounds simple doesn’t it?

As a special bonus, the first person to send the correct venue name to redbear2014@mwrinfosecurity.com will win some schwag. Don’t worry if you get stuck, the answers will be revealed here shortly before this year’s event.

To get you started here is the first week’s clue: